Gone are the days of 10-year leases. Read Thrive Not Survive to learn how some landlords are making the most of a changed market.

Launch of Kitt's Thrive Not Survive Report

Asset ownership in London has undergone an irreversible shift

We’re delighted to share our latest industry report, Thrive Not Survive, which delves into London’s sub-10k office market to explore the trend of shrinking lease lengths, the flight to quality, and how asset owners can respond.

The report shows that:

  • Office leases have dropped by over a third in the past five years, from an average of eight years in 2019 to five years in 2023.
  • Hybrid working is pushing occupiers to seek more agile, experience-driven office spaces.
  • Those who adapt quickly can fill their buildings faster and achieve rents 10% to 40% higher than traditional leases.

The report is a must-read for asset owners, agents, and anyone interested in the changing dynamics of London’s competitive office sector.

You can read the full report here and a City AM feature on its key findings here

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