Gone are the days of 10-year leases. Read Thrive Not Survive to learn how some landlords are making the most of a changed market.

Thrive Not Survive

How to capture value in London's sub-10k office market


Thrive Not Survive delves into London's sub-10k office market to explore the trend of shrinking lease lengths, the flight to quality, and how asset owners can respond.

The report shows that office leases have dropped from an average of eight years in 2019 to five years in 2023, that hybrid working is pushing occupiers to seek more agile, experience-driven office spaces, and that those who adapt quickly can fill their buildings faster and achieve rents 10% to 40% higher than traditional leases.

Download the report (no email needed) to read more.

The data presented in this report has been recognised in City AM and Estate's Gazette

Thrive Not Survive provides an insightful analysis of London's changing sub-10k market; it's a must-read for all invested in the hotelification of offices.

Click the button above to download now.

Key takeaways


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